We're excited to to report that we've completed the first round of blind playtests with great success! We've had an awesome response with some very helpful playtesters from all over the world helping us fine tune the game while we progress to our ultimate goal: Kickstarter!

We're happy to announce we'll be beginning the final round of playtests before we start distributing the demo and begin to set out on our path to Kickstarter. Read on to find out more, like how to download the Print & Play, or to find out out about our upcoming Kickstarter!
If you'd like to join in on the playtesting, come join our Discord! Come and meet other warlords and start slaying on the battlefield with our Print & Play Demo! Round 2 starts this Wednesday! Here's some stats from round 1!
Average match time 33 minutes
Total minis killed (recorded only in the last 7 games) 29!
Shadow Wins: 9 Fury wins 8
Fun had: millions!! billions of fun!
Every Wednesday we have a brand up update with rules and more in the discord and round
3 will have tabletop sim and more, so come and join the fun!

What can we expect to see in Round 2? Here's some more stuff to look out for!
New card border art: we're continuing to polish and refine the card border art, to make text legible and look awesome
New card Illustrations (keep your eyes peeled for new images!)
Streamlined card descriptions: to make cards easier to glance and determine what they do were doing a cleanup pass on card text
More aggressive minis!: We're looking to shave 5-10 minuets off the average match by adjusting some of the combat balancing, so get ready to try some new monsters on the field!
rules 2.0 (round 2): The updated version of the rules will be in PDF form, with more illustrations, more content, and some smoothed out gameplay based on the feedback from the last 3 weeks - in discord and local!
If you want to jump into the action and help us fine tune the game hop over to 🧨playtesting to read up on the discussions, and get ready for round 2 cards and rules, next week!

We're also excited to announce that we're going to be hosting a Tutorial & Tournament at Gencon this year! We'll post more info about that soon!